Civil Air Patrol

Donating real estate to Civil Air Patrol is a great way to help our mission of volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.

Civil Air Patrol is the only non-profit in the United States that combines search and rescue, emergency response, youth character and leadership development, and aerospace and cyber education while advancing the preservation and extension of universal, American values. 95% of our cadets feel it is essential for them to help our country.

Civil Air Patrol partners with Giving Property to process real estate donations to benefit Civil Air Patrol and the communities we serve. Our program takes any property type (land, homes, commercial) in any location so long as there is equity. Even if you owe back taxes, have a mortgage balance or have deferred maintenance, it's no problem. We will pay off all loans, liens, commissions owed and all closing costs. If you have a real estate asset that is costing you money or not being utilized, donating it is a great way to give back. You may even claim a significant tax deduction!

Online Donation Form