WHQR went on the air in 1984 as a non-profit, non-commercial full-service radio station affiliated with National Public Radio and Public Radio International. WHQR is operated by Friends of Public Radio, Inc., a 501(c3) organization recognized by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
WHQR's mission statement, as adopted by the Board of Directors reads: Friends of Public Radio, Inc. (WHQR 91.3 fm) will provide a reliable source of public radio, sustainably and efficiently, to serve our listeners.
WHQR partners with Giving Property to process real estate donations to benefit WHQR and the community we serve. Our program takes any property type (land, homes, commercial) in any location so long as there is equity. Even if you owe back taxes, have a mortgage balance or have deferred maintenance, it's no problem. We will pay off all loans, liens, commissions owed and all closing costs. If you have a real estate asset that is costing you money or not being utilized, donating it is a great way to give back. You may even claim a significant tax deduction!