We are WLVR your full-service NPR news and information station serving the Lehigh Valley! We'll be featuring national, international and local news coverage from Lehigh Valley Public Media's Reporter Corps.
WLVR is licensed in Bethlehem, PA to the Lehigh Valley Public Telecommunications Corporation in partnership with Lehigh University. Lehigh Valley Public Media is the home of public television station PBS39/WLVT and the television station WPPT, as well as the Lehigh Valley Reads and Battling Opioids initiatives. Lehigh Valley Public Media is the umbrella name for all our brands and initiatives. We are a 50-year-young non-profit located on the historical SteelStacks campus, 90 minutes from Manhattan, and 60 minutes from Philadelphia, in the rapidly-growing Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania.
WLVR a partners with CARS (Charitable Adult Rides & Services) to process real estate donations to benefit WLVR. Our program takes any property type (land, homes, commercial) in any location so long as there is equity. Even if you owe back taxes, have a mortgage balance, or deferred maintenance, it's no problem. We will pay off all loans, liens, commissions owed and pay all closing costs. If you have a real estate asset that is costing you money or not being utilized, donating it is a great way to give back and you may even claim a significant tax deduction!!